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Formating text with html

Mashiur Rahman

Formatting Text

Markup Example
<em> This will emphasize text. Screen readers will stress the text.
<strong> Defines text with strong importance.
<mark> Denotes text as marked or highlighted.
<del> Used to mark text that has gotten zapped been deleted.
<ins> Used to mark text that has been added.

Pre-formatted Text and Escaped Characters

Markup Example
Text is displayed    exactly as  typed

    including spaces        and breaks.
&lt; &gt; Used to display the < and > symbols.
<!-- How to comment --> Leave good comments in your code!

Form Elements

Tag Appearance Notes
Multiple types of input, see table below.
Match 'label for=' to 'input id='
<select> See documentation for more options.
<textarea> You can define the size of this with HTML or CSS.
<button> Always include the button type for buttons. Can also link.
<fieldset>, <legend>
Test Form:

Groups form elements in this ugly box LOL.
More of an auto fill than a select menu.
<output> No example, produces output from input, must research.

Input Types

Tag Appearance Notes
<button> Always include the button type for buttons. Can also link.
type="checkbox" Standard checkbox things. Use labels.
type="color" Also gives access to a color picker!!!
type="date" Date field, good stuff.
type="datetime-local" Gives Today option for your time zone
type="email" Is there validation?
type="file" SUPER DOPE!
type="hidden" For non user info but don't use as security
type="image" I think not using this is a self respect thing.
type="month" More cool date things.
type="number" Has a clicky and can define what numbers.
type="password" You know how this works
Must figure out set up. Must all be in form.
type="range" Oooooh interesting!
type="reset" It's a reset button!
type="search" Research possible uses
type="submit" Submits data to a form handler.
type="tel" Is there validation?
type="text" You know it and love it.
type="time" Interesting! But wonder if there's a better way.
type="url" Experiment uses to see if viable.
type="week" Kinda cool but how would I use it?

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  1. https://www.google.com/search?q=probetemplates.blogspot.com&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b
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